When is Camila Cabello Birthday?
The bright day when Camila Cabello was born was 3 March 1997.
What is Camila Cabello real name?
KARLA CAMILA CABELLO ESTRABAO is the real name of the famous havana girl. But people generally call her CAMILA.

Camila Cabello Family details (Demographic information)
Here is details of CAMILA CABELLO family and CAMILA CABELLO age and other demographic information about CAMILA CABELLO.
Date of Birth | 3 MARCH, 1997 |
Age | 23 as in 2020 |
Mother’s name | SINUHE ESTRABAO |
Father’s name | ALEJANDRO CABELLO |
Sister’s name | SOFIA CABELLO |
Place of Birth | HAVANA, CUBA |
Nationality / Citizenship | CUBA & AMERICA |
Occupation / Profession | Singer |
Here is Camilla Cabello full detailed Biography and important accounts from the life of Camila cabello. these incidents have a great significance in the life of Camila cabello. To know detail about camila Cabello biography Stay Tuned…….

Hardships of The Havana Girl
Camila initially had a bad voice. But she could not give up at this moment. So she worked hard on her vocals. She tried to practise on her vocals as much as she could. She would lock herself up in her room , practice karaoke and listen to One direction.
There’s a video, of Camila Cabello, where she once said:
” There’s a video in which she says ‘ My voice is like a man”.
Her father joined them later while they were travelling to America and told them
“He went through such hardship to cross the Mexican border and had it harder than my mom and I did, literally risking his life for his family to physically make it here”

Camila at the age of 6
Camila Cabello was born in Havana and grew up in the town of Cojimar, at age 6 she and her mother crossed Mexico to reach America. Her mother wanted her daughters to have more opportunities in their life.
Camila Cabello once said:
“I was born in a country where the roads are almost as broke as the hope of the people. We left them with only the cloths on our backs to come to a land where we only knew the word ‘yes’ and ‘no’. We built new life from the ground up in hopes of getting opportunities to be the people we couldn’t be in our own country”.
Camila’s visit to America
Camila went to America with a single backpack a “Winnie the pooh” journal and a doll. When they reached immigration center at U.S. border they had to wait 6 hours before they got the O.K. to cross the border. It was a big relief to her mother and they both hoped for a sound future.
Camila Cabello tells:
“The room busted with joy , everybody around me clapping and hugging and screaming and crying! And me yelling out ‘Yay! We’re all going to Disneyland ‘.

X-FACTOR Auditions
On her 15th birthday all she asked from her mother was to let her audition for X-Factor. She was an alternate witch means they didn’t guaranty her performance in front of the judges. And in fact later she decided not to perform as she didn’t had much time to practise, and Camila doubted her performance for the show.
It was just by chance that ‘ Simon Cowell ‘ walked back stage
and Camila asked from him the permission to perform. And on the final day she could perform. Camila was later eliminated but Simon Cowell decided to put 5 solo contestants together like he did with ‘one direction’. These 5 contestants later became the 5th harmony .
Interesting and Unknown facts about CAMILA CABELLO
- Camila’s mother is from Cuba and her father is from Mexico.
- Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao dated SHAWN MENDES.
- Camila Cabello is a Taylor Swift fan.
- Camila Cabello cried while attending a live event of Taylor Swift.
- Camila Cabello’s most Twitter Tweets are always sarcastic and humours.
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